Can a business student go to nursing training?

Can a business student go to nursing training?


Basically, the course you read at Senior High School (SHS) level has a direct impact on your ability to train as a nursing student in Ghana or to generally become a nurse in Ghana. This does not apply to nursing training schools only. To gain admission int any nursing training school in Ghana, the applicant must meet some admission requirements which will be outlined in this article.

Can a business student go to nursing training?

The answer is NO, In fact, no nursing training school in Ghana up to date, be it private or public will accept any applicant who studied Business at the Senior High School.

Students who read business or business administration programs in senior high schools will definitely not get admitted into a nursing school in Ghana. What then are the nursing training course requirements?

What is the qualification for nursing training?


Age18 – 35 years
Overall AggregateA cutoff aggregate score of Forty EightA cutoff aggregate score of Thirty
(48) or better in six subjects, comprising(30) or better in six subjects,
3 core and 3 electivecomprising  3 core and 3 elective
Core Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST credits(A1-E8) in three coreAT LEAST Passes (A-E) in three core
i.e. English, Mathematics andi.e English, Mathematics and
Integrated Science.Integrated Science.
Elective Subjects and MinimumAT LEAST passes (A1-E8) in threeAT LEAST passes (A-E) in three
GradesElective subjectsElective subjects

What is the cut-off point for nursing training in Ghana?

The Nursing Training College Cut off points for 2022/2023 is an aggregate 24 in three relevant core subject and three elective subjects.

What grades are needed for nursing in Ghana?

To apply for a diploma in nursing in Ghana, you need to have at least A1-C6 in 3 core subjects (English, Maths, and Science) and any other 3 electives with an aggregate of not more than 24.

Can a business student apply for nursing training in Ghana?


Students who read business or business administration programs in senior high schools will definitely not get admitted into a nursing school in Ghana, to get enrolled in a nursing training college in Ghana you should have read at least one science program or read the social sciences.

Is D7 accepted in Nursing Training?

Generally, before you can gain admission into the Basic or General Nursing training program, you must possess at least 5 passes in not more than two sittings in certain required subjects. The required subjects for Nursing are: English, Core Mathematics, and Integrated Science.

Nurses training college will accept a D7 or E8, or F9 to study certificate in nursing. These are auxiliary courses offered by some Nurse Training colleges.

These auxiliary courses are two years certificate courses in nursing. This is a link explaining the various kind of nursing courses we have in Ghana and their various time durations.


1 thought on “Can a business student go to nursing training?”

  1. Kwadwo Asare

    Please recheck it again, because now business students in SHS can apply for nursing
    Thank You

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