Our continuity
Is in our unity,
The country’s
Falls lies in our histories
Left untold
As we watch with our arms unfold.
Our would-be leaders
Put on the ancient feathers
And high they soar like eagles
While we the people perish in circles,
And the very government is they
So they enjoy immunities after election day.
Hold no guns in a master-dog relationship
And see mothers suffer cruel hardship,
Wisdom is not in one head,
Flee from their grips, forget what you heard.
Is not a chief, a chief by the people?
And O, kings preach peace, not trouble.
They are no leaders but politickers,
In election, they’re confidence tricksters.
When you hear they as the collective we
Do not ran Amok with glee
And let peace prevail as we all plea
And Safe the Psalmist’s Harper from flee.
By: David Etornam Gbetey
a.k.a The African Psalmist
Tel: 0241629219 (WhatsApp)
Twitter: Degbetey
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