The Basel missionaries, well known to many for their star programmes, established a school at Boinso within the Aowin district of western region in the year 1992.
Boinso, I can say, is the next biggest town in the district, thus Boinso is the next town to mention after Enchi in terms of inhabitants.
The Presbyterian Primary and JHS which is located at Boinso is facing a huge infrastructural glitches which needs urgent attention.
Boinso Presby Basic School 1
With a population of over seven hundred and fifty four (754) pupils, the school can only boast of a complete three unit classroom block which was built for children in nursery and kindergarten.
This status quo compels teachers to organize classes under trees and uncompleted mud structure housing divulging pupils to endangerments.
Boinso Presby Basic School 2
Now there is no effective teaching and learning during rainy seasons because they have no secured places to hide when it’s raining.
The students I spoke to complained of water leakages and floods into the unfinished floors of the classrooms when it rains.
Boinso Presby Basic School 3
Most of the teachers in the school, said, the poor condition of the building such as leakages in classrooms, mouldy walls , broken furniture, etc., that are found in the school make student feel uncomfortable with the school’s norms and expectations.
This dilapidated state of the schools climate contributes to high absenteeism. In turn, that contributes to low performance in exams and poor academic achievement.
In addition to this, the school cannot boast of a library, ICT laboratory and masters Bangalore, resulting in academic performance falling at an increasing rate over years.
The N D C government gave indenture to a contractor for a complete classroom building of which unfortunately, the contractor died during the course of the work and the contract was appraised to another outworker which has led to a shoddy work. Now, due to cracks in the building they could not roof it.
The building which was supposed to finish by October 2016 is still in its danger state.
There is a general pandemonium amongst the students and teachers who feel that they have been derelict and not painstaking a school due to the underprivileged infrastructural development in the institution.
The authorities of Boinso, the school and the church (Presbyterian church Ghana, Boinso society) is appealing to the government through the ministry of education, the Presbyterian missionaries, non – governmental organizations and other stakeholders to come to their aid, their effort are massively needed to halt the condition and position the school to underwrite its ration to the development of the country.
Coffie Bismark
DJ Obvious
Concern member of Boinso
(Ultimate radio 94.7)
(Uds wa campus)