KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Programmes

KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Programmes

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) Programme is a six-year degree Programme which replaces the four-year B. Pharm. degree programme in 2012/ 2013. It is a professional degree, not a graduate degree. The Pharm D programme is a qualification that is required as part of the process of becoming a registered pharmacist in Ghana
There are five (5) Academic Departments which contribute to this composite degree
The Department provides various modules in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, together with other required modules. At the end of the programme, the students should be able to apply their knowledge of the fundamental concepts and principles in organic, physical, medicinal and analytical chemistry to pharmaceuticals and then relate these concepts to drug design and usage in the practice of pharmacy. It is expected that the coverage of various areas of pharmaceutical chemistry would give the students the necessary background and foundation to apply this knowledge in the study of related disciplines such as pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, biochemistry and clinical pharmacy.
DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICS. Pharmaceutics encompasses two distinct areas viz.

  • General Pharmaceutics, and
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Each area consists essentially of theoretical and practical sessions. Additionally, tutorial sessions are arranged at appropriate intervals.
General Pharmaceutics embodies the introductory aspects of the pharmacy profession, preparation of various pharmaceutical dosage forms, dispensing, physical pharmacy, packaging and storage science.
In Pharmaceutical Microbiology, the students will learn the tremendous influence micro-organisms have on health, industrial pharmaceuticals production and production of bio-therapeutic agents.
In Pharmaceutical Microbiology, the students will learn the tremendous influence micro-organisms have on health, industrial pharmaceuticals production and production of bio-therapeutic agents.
Pharmacognosy, the study of natural products for medicine and health, is regarded as the oldest of the pharmaceutical sciences. It has become a highly inter – disciplinary science covering broad areas of study involving biologically active natural products. It provides for the process of drug discovery, accounts for the rational use of natural drugs for the treatment of diseases and the utilization of plants, as chemopreventive agents.
The courses offered in the Department are designed to ensure a broad appreciation of the principles and implications of drug action and drug use in humans as well as animals. In this context, the action of drugs is not limited to their beneficial and desired therapeutic effects, but also covers their undesired and toxic effects.
The Department cherishes the philosophy that it is not possible to gain thorough understanding of the principles and implications of drug action without first grasping some basic physiological and biochemical characteristics of mammals. Thus, foundation knowledge in Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are prerequisites for the modules in Pharmacology.

New medicines with varied uses and regimes are constantly flooding the market, and at the same time new uses are being advocated for established drugs. These trends require that pharmacists acquire additional knowledge, skills and the right orientation towards patient-centred pharmaceutical services, otherwise known as pharmaceutical care. Pharmaceutical care as defined by Hepler and Strand (1990) is “The responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient’s quality of life”. The concept involves three major functions to be performed by the pharmacist on behalf of the patient:
i. identifying potential and actual drug-related problems
ii. resolving actual drug – related problems,
iii. preventing potential drug – related problems.
The Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy seeks to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for efficient delivery of pharmaceutical services.
Pharmacy, including the pharmaceutical sciences, is a dynamic academic discipline. Current trends in Pharmacy Practice place emphasis on patient – centred service rather than medicine – centred care. Thus contemporary Pharmacy Education must prepare pharmacy graduates to provide patient-centred and population-based care that optimizes medication therapy. It should adequately prepare the pharmacists to help shape the development of health services and the delivery of pharmaceutical care.
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, KNUST, needs to meet this challenge by creating an exigent academic programme that will train pharmacy graduates in patient-centered care, and also to equip them to adequately inform health policy and management.
The Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum will prepare the new pharmacy graduate to meet this challenge.
The objectives of the curriculum are to

  • provide students with a core of knowledge in relevant basic sciences and research methods.
  • train students in the preparation, distribution and administration of medicines
  • train students in the rational use of medicines for individualized care as well as patient populations.
  • train students to develop skills, abilities, attitudes and values including communication skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, social interaction, decision-making, professionalism and ethics that are necessary for the provision of Pharmaceutical Care, and
  • provide an opportunity for students to select courses and professional experiences in keeping with particular interests and goals.

The need for life-long learning will be emphasized as an integral theme of the curriculum.

Assessment Requirements
A pass mark of 50% is required for all core courses. However a pass mark of 40% will be required for general University courses including Communication Skills, Post – SSS Mathematics, Statistics, etc. Assessment will be based on a combination of continuous assessment (e.g. reports, course work, mid-semester examination) and end of semester examinations.
Module Assessment
Each module will be assessed by class exercises and assignments, written mid-semester and end-of-semester examinations. The end of semester examination shall comprise a minimum of 2-hour paper making up to 70% of the total semester mark and a continuous assessment made up of mid-semester examinations comprising quizzes/assignments and oral examination (30 %). The pass mark shall be 50 % for core courses and 40% for general University courses
Requirements for Graduation
Students must have obtained the required credits for each semester, leading to a total minimum credit of 224 and must have obtained a minimum CWA of 50.00 at the end of the Pharm D programme.
Career Prospects
The Pharm D graduates would be value-added pharmacists in the existing care structure: in Hospital, Community Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy and Drug-Regulatory bodies.

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About KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Entry Requirements
KNUST Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Programmes
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