Christian service University College Department Of Communication Programmes

Christian service University College Department Of Communication Programmes

Objectives of the Programme

Specifically, the objectives of the programme are:

  • To facilitate the learning of the basic concepts and approaches to the study of communication and its application in everyday life;
  • To give the student a foundational understanding of theory and practice in communication;
  • To prepare the student to apply communication principles and best practices in the achievement of set objectives for the church, community, business, government and non-profit organizations;
  • To provide the basis for in-depth evaluation and use of communication principles for effective communication.


Employment Prospects

Communication permeates every aspect of our lives – from churches, to families, communities and the whole nation. A degree in communication prepares and positions graduates strategically to influence decisions that affect our lives. They are taught and trained to think critically, creatively and to work in the church, in industry, in print and electronic media houses as well as in civil society. Graduates from the Department of Communication Studies, CSUC are better placed to secure jobs in media companies, banks, telecommunications, insurance, local government, churches, civil service and in education as media planners, multi-media specialists, public relations officers, broadcast journalists and producers, print journalists, copywriters and web designers.

Progression and Graduation

Student progression from one year level to another level will be based on continuous assessment and examination. The continuous assessment includes class exercises, projects and assignments and the total score to be awarded is thirty percent (30%); and examination will constitute seventy percent (70%) of the total score and it will be conducted at the end of a semester.  Students who fail a course in a semester will trail the course. They will, however, be allowed to progress to the next year level. Students who fail course(s) will have the opportunity to re-sit the course(s) at the end of the academic year.
Students who fail to score 1.50 GPA will be withdrawn.  Students will also be required to satisfy a maximum of 18 credit hours and a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester for the duration of the course, depending on elective subject credits

Credit hours requirement for graduation

In line with the University of Ghana, Legon credit hours requirement, a student admitted to level 100 is expected to have accumulated 120 credit hours in order to graduate at the end of the programme.  However, a student admitted to level 200 is expected to have accumulated 108 credit hours in order to graduate at the end of the programme.