Minerals Commission


Ghana’s Minerals Commission is a body established with a focused function of developing and coordinating mineral sector policy and monitoring its implementation. Minerals Commission was established in September 1986 under the Minerals Commission Law (PNDCL.154).

The Commission’s primary responsible has since been that of fostering the efficient and effective regulation and management of the utilization of the mineral resources of Ghana and the co-ordination and implementation of policies related to them.

With the promulgation of the 1992 Constitution, Parliament enacted the Minerals Commission Act, 1993 (Act 450) to give continued legal backing to the existence of the Commission, as required by Article 269(1) of the Constitution.

Minerals CommissionProjectives


The project intends to:

  • Galvanize existing farmer groups in the targeted communities to establish coherent producer-shareholder commercial entity to produce oil palm
  • Link successful rural export development with the prevailing farming systems to produce staple food crops as inter crops to generate short term revenue and ensure food security prior to maturity of the oil palm
  • Mobilise illegal miners (galamseys) and sensitise them into adopting the project as a more lucrative, less hazardous means of livelihood.
  • Generate employment both direct and indirect
  • Strengthen the efforts at diversifying Ghana’s export earnings by increasing the participation of private sector rural farmers in the production of oil palm.
  • Reduce poverty and contribute significantly to the development of these rural catchment areas.

Minerals Commission Licenses

Types of Mineral Rights

Licence TypeReconnaissance Licence (RL)Prospecting Licence (PL)Mining Lease (ML)Restricted Mining Lease (RML)Small Scale Mining Licence (Reserve for Ghanaians only)
PurposeRegional exploration not including drilling & excavationSearch for minerals and evaluationExtraction of mineralsBuilding and Industrial mineralsExtraction of minerals
AreaBlocks of 21 hectares, not exceeding 5,000 contiguous blocksNot exceeding 750 contiguous blocksNot exceeding 300 contiguous blocksNot exceeding 300 contiguous blocksIn accordance with the number of blocks prescribed in Regulations
Maximum Duration12 months renewable3 years, renewable with reduction of area to not more than half30 years or less depending on mine life. Renewable15 years or less depending on mine life. Renewable5 years, renewable

Minerals Commission Contact Details

  • +233(0) 302 772783 / 772786 / 773053 / 771318 / 776802
  • Minerals House #12 Switchback Road Residential Area, Cantoments. GL- 060 -1131
  • +233(0) 302 773324 | 772903

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