Doxa Deo School of Divinity Registration

Doxa Deo School of Divinity Online Application 2021

Apply To Study At Doxa Deo School of Divinity

Doxa Deo School of Divinity online Application 2021 : To apply to the University of Cape Town , you need the documents below

1) A certified copy of the green bar coded ID

2) Proof of payment of any relevant application fees

3) Certified copy of grade 11 results and any latest grade 12 results

For a full list of tips to remember before you apply, Applicants must check individual further requirements for each course and each tertiary institution. Please also be aware of NBTs and check with your university if you need NBT results to apply. For more information on NBT’s

FYI: South Africans learners wishing to apply online will need a working email address and an ID number. Foreign learners wishing to apply will need to have their passport number.

SOD 2021 Registration

  • Wednesday, 1 May 
    → Saturday, February 2021
  • Brooklyn Kampu

Please complete the required fields to register as part of the SOD Program.
By Register for SOD Full time or Part time you are also part of CCMP and SATS. Please 

Register for CCMP

CCMP is a 2 year part time program running on a Tuesday evening ( 3 hours per week) during school terms.

This program is ideally for a person who wants to become an effective city changer.

Please complete the required fields to register as part of the CCMP Program 2021.

For more info contact: [email protected]

Please attend the January 2021 the registration evening at Brooklyn Doxa Deo.

Fees: R950 deposit with registration / R3000 before end February 2021 or dt order R300/month over 10 months

Register for CCMP

Register for SATS

We want to thank you for your continuous support and choosing to study through CCI Ministry. By studying through CCI Ministry, you will receive a 10% discount from SATS. To receive this benefit you will need to say you
are part of a partnership and use the following code: DOX001
All partnership students will assume full responsibility for their own administration. 

To Apply: Please fill in the form first then you can use the link:

2020 Terms Please remember 1st registration(you need to apply 15days before activation date of the Term)

Term 1Term 2Term 3 Term 4
1 Feb – 30 Apr   1 May – 31 Jul   1 Aug- 31 Oct   1 Nov – 31 Jan

Any general inquiries should be directed to [email protected]

Register for SATS

Fees: R1500.00/year
Bank details:
Student: #SOD /Name of Student

Remember at the SATS register use DOX001 for the Partner Code

Contact Us at:


112, Anderson Street
012 362 1396
[email protected]

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