UNISA Short Course in Entering Youth Ministry
Candidates, mostly youth leaders and church members, who complete this course, will be able to reflect on their own formation and practice in working with young people in a variety of faith communities, educational institutions and NGO’s. The course enhances the quality of this ministry by providing a matrix for understanding youth as the basis for selected faith-formation pathways.
Youth leaders, Youth workers, Sunday school teachers, Catechists, community volunteers, Lay ministers and preachers of various Christian denominations; other persons involved in teaching or pastoral care in faith communities.
National Senior Certificate or recognition of prior learning.
One year
December 2016 – February 2017
Unisa Open distance learning
Formative and summative assessment will comply with UNISA’s assessment rules and policies
- Developing skills to reflect on formation and practice in working with young people in a variety of faith communities,
- Knowledge of a matrix for understanding youth
- Develop selected faith-formation pathways.
Rev Maponya M S MA (Missiology)
Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology
Office 6-120, Theo Van wijk Building, Unisa
Tel:012 429 3168
Email:[email protected]