Islamic University College Ghana School Of Business Programmes

 Islamic University College Ghana School Of Business Programmes

The bachelor of business adminitration (BBA) programme is a 4-year degree programme with five different but closely-related options in

    1. BBA Accounting
    2. BBA Banking and Finance
    3. BBA Marketing
    4. BBA Human Resource Management
    5. BBA Management Information Systems

Currently, the Management Information Systems  option is not offer to students.
The Objectives

    1. The programme puts emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of banking, investment and financial information of private-sector and public-sector businesses and organizations for wealth maximization.
    2. To assist students to understand and analyze the conditions and opportunities in business environment for corporate and organizational growth in the present fast-moving hi-tech world.
    3. To enrich students with entrepreneurial skills that will let them to become self-reliant and self-sustaining.
    4. The programme seeks to produce graduate students who can apply relevant business administration principles and standards to private-sector and public-sector businesses or organizations, with special emphasis on small- and medium-scale enterprises.
    5. To enable students to apply analytical and problem-solving skills to resolve business issues in their future workplaces.
    6. To inculcate moral and ethical values in students for best and fair business practices.
    7. To provide the best possible business education for job placement, retention and career development opportunities.

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Business Administration
Degree awarded by: University of Ghana, Legon
Workload: 136 Credits
Duration: 4 years
Career Prospect
Students of this option can thus be found in corporate and public organizations as financial analysts, financial consultants, investment managers, marketing analysts, business analysts, etc. Some of the students of this programme strike out on their own as financial consultants, business consultants, marketing consultants, etc. helping small- and medium-scale enterprises to prepare business plans and to manage their business finances prudently.

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About Islamic University College Ghana School Of Business
Islamic University College Ghana School Of Business Entry Requirements
Islamic University College Ghana School Of Business Programmes
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